Monday, 31 October 2011

It's the Hallowed Ween!

It's the Hallowed Ween!

Two boys, already high from the sugar intake from the treats they got at school, are excited to the point of driving partner and I up the wall and back down the other side. They travel throughout the house like two twisters, destroying everything in their path. Holy cow!
Costumes are ready. They want to wear them the second they get home and every second after that. We have something to eat that is quick, hot-dogs with fries. They eat some. It doesn't help with the twister mood. Oh well, have to endure the loudness and two taz's. I think I'll be glad when its over. Oh no, first kids at the door, and they want goodies. You know this holliday is getting expensive. OK, that's all for now. Partner tells me it's time to go.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

How the Writer was Formed

How The Writer Was Formed

Today, partner and I spent the day at home. It was a rainy Wednesday and our planned activity was postponed. Anyway, I'm finishing off my latest novel and used to time to write. I want to finish this novel as it has been challenging to write. Its genre is fantasy from the perspective of a girl. Anyway, I advanced the story as far as I could until my six year old began asking many questions. I could not continue with a question coming at me about every 5 seconds. So I put my laptop aside to help him read his book. He is fully independent and points out the words he wants help with.
Anyway, back to my writing, for many years now, one of my bucket list items has been to always write a book. Over the years, I would think about writing, but would come up with some reason why I couldn't start right now. Another year would go by, another excuse, then another year.
OK, now you're asking, how did I finally get started. Well the actual story is quite long, but let me shorten it. This year, after numerous failed attempts at finding a job, any job, I knew I would have to change vocations. But change to what? I went through a list of possible business ideas, self-employment, anything. The prior year, I took a government sponsored course on finding a career path based on your likes and strengths. Writing, although mentioned, in the analysis, was last on the last list. OK, fine, I thought at the time. Writing was a bucket list idea anyway. This year, while searching the net for ideas to make money, I came across a young unknown writer that after a lot of trial and error, broke out. In fact exploded, selling tens of thousands of copies per month. I researched that author and others that had success. I dusted off the bucket list idea and one day decided to write. I didn't know if I would like writing, if I could write, if I could develop a story worthy of reading. I checked out the number of words that a novel typically was. It can be of various lengths, but the accepted word count was above 50,000 words and usually in the 80,000 word count. I then thought, 80,000 words, holy smoke, could I find something to write about that would add up to that amount. It started slow, about 500 words per day. I read that one should be at the 1000 word count per day. I worked toward that goal. It did not take long before 1000+ words per day was easy. I raised the bar to between 2000 to 5000 words per day. Before long, it broke through 10k, then 20k, 30k, 40k, 50k, 60k. OK, worrying about hitting 80k would not be an issue. My first sci-fi novel broke 101k. The editing portion was tough. My partner really saved my bacon in that area as she read through the story (and liked it) finding the dropped words, wrong grammar, passages that didn't make sense. I published my first novel as an ebook, which was the best option for me. I suspected that publishing houses would not give me the time of the day. I read much about that online. Anyway, I released my work on the world. I got a few sales and one review. They liked the story but was not impressed with my grammar. I spoke with my partner about the grammar part and she suggested a few things that I might consider revising. I looked into it and found a couple of flaws that I did not like with my writing. Now at this time, I had already began my second novel. I stopped that work, went back, and revised like crazy, going through the entire novel. After that, I uploaded the new version. I then went back to my second work, with this new knowledge part of me.
What I did learn from this whole experience is I have a long way to go and more importantly, I do like to write. My plan is simple, continue writing, getting better, until someone likes one of my stories.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Looking for the Special Chicken

Looking For The Special Chicken

Today, my partner and I decided to go to another grocery store, only because they had a sale on. I have noticed that along with everything else, chicken has gone up in price. Gone are the days when I could purchase it for under a $1.00 per pound. Typically it ranges from $2 to $3 per pound. So when we saw chicken at $1.37 per pound, we just had to go, and get some, plus extra's. We loaded up the truck with our reusable bags, (we didn't want to pay 5 cents per bag) and off we went. Now most days, going shopping has been an adventure. Today was no different. We arrived at the store, found the correct change to release a shopping cart from the rack stack. Getting a shopping cart is a hit or miss proposition. I hate the ones where one wheel is stuck or refuses to travel as fast as the others. Today's selection had a slight pull to the left in which the operator, me, have to compensate for. Partner wanted to check the vegetable section first for any deals. Since we had not been to this store in a while, the store decided to re-organize the fruit and veggie section. After a few minutes of wandering around, we gave up as we were here for chicken, primarily, and check if other items were reasonably priced. I expected the chicken area to be busy with shoppers, who like us, wanted the deal. To my surprise, no one was there. We moved in for the kill, so to speak. We anticipated a limit of how much one could purchase. Again, surprised, no limit. We got as much as could fit into our fridges freezer. So far so good. We might actually get out of this store quickly. We would brave the cereal isle. First mistake. Down the entire isle, there were only three others with shopping carts. Lots of room for all. As we made our way down the isle, we stopped at the hot cereal section as they were on sale. Within no time, I was blocked in with one shopper on my left that was milling about. Another shopper down the isle just had to be where I was to cut off my going forward escape route. The other shopper further down, disappeared around the corner. Good! I contemplated reversing but that escape route was cut off by an incoming shopper. Ahhhhhh, trapped. OK, mill about looking at the hot cereals selections. The flavour that the kids liked were sold out, of course. The sale was good, so we picked two different kinds, in the hope that they might like it. I noticed a space opening up in front of me. Shields up, prepare for warp travel Scotty, I thought to myself. I would have told my partner what I was thinking, except she already thinks I have lost it. No sense in fueling that fire. Made it through to the regular cereal section. As luck would have it, some sales. I have noticed that kids go through cereal like there is a world shortage. And with four of them scarred to death that this might be their last meal, I guess they eat extra. With that in mind, we get the large box of cereal. Now the smaller boxes have some sales, so it only makes sense that there might be sales on the starved family size. I look up and down the quarter mile of choices as partner does the same. OK, where is the family sized ones? Oh, just a bit further down the isle. I break out my invisible binoculars, to look, ah, yes there it is. We head down, get a couple of good deals. I look up and carts are closing in. I tell my partner it's time to go, I mean really time to go as I have to go to the washroom. She sighs, not again. Hey, what can I say, nature calls. OK, she will head out and secure some margarine while I deal with nature. I leave partner with the slight pull to the left cart, head to the customer service desk to obtain the key. The lady tells me, no key needed. It should be unlocked as long as one is using the washroom. Great deduction, but I say nothing, and head over. I get there, and an elderly gentleman is just leaving. He has a cane. I move over to my right to let him pass. He moves toward me. I scoot left, he goes that direction. I stop, figuring either we'll dance, or he might just make it by me. With the dance over, I enter the washroom. After nature is taken care of, I go to the sink to wash my hands. I'm confronted with a huge blue sign telling me to wash my hands after using the toilet. Now, I have a problem with that, not with the sign, a problem with people using the bathroom, and having to be reminded to wash their hands. Mental note, no shaking hands with anyone, unless I know for sure they are aware of the concept of hand washing. I leave, and partner is heading my way, looking perplexed. She informs me that they don't have the margarine that she likes and refuses to pay double the price for a name brand kind. 
"Did you pick up the milk?" I asked.
"Oh no, I forgot about that," she says.
"OK, we can go back and get it," I say. Off we go. I want to check out the margarine to see what they have. The kind that we would have picked up is completely cleaned out. Next we get the milk, in which we have a discussion about the price of 2% vs 3.25%. There is a 50 cent difference. Partner has the 3.25% milk jugs out, two of them. 
She says, "OK, make a choice," on whether to save a dollar or stay with what she has removed from the cooler.
"Let's try the 2% kind," I suggest. She nodded and attempts to put back the two jugs, except, they won't go back up the inclined rack. The milk jug is fighting her.
"OK," I say, "let's take what you have." I figure that is easier than struggling with the un-cooperative rack. We load the milk and head for the check-out. Now, you would think that the incidents would end, not so. But if I continue, this will soon turn into a short story. And besides, we still had one more grocery store to go to. In the end, we got the chicken.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Special Dinner

Special Dinner

OK, my second blog. I have lots of topics that I wish to cover. I will spread them out over time.
Now for tonight, my partner and I were agonizing over what to make for dinner. It was getting late and we wanted to make something quick. Preparing a meal for six people is never an easy thing to do. We were out of this, and that would take too long. We both felt a little tired, so something quick was the answer, except what? In the 11th hour, we decided, hey hot-dogs with fries. Sounded simple enough.
No buns and no fries. OK, not so simple. But the idea sounded good, simple, quick clean-up, perfect.
Besides we hadn't made dogs in awhile. We drew straws as to who was going to the store to get the missing items. And whose vehicle had enough gas to make it there and back. Split decision, I would go and take partner's vehicle. Off I went. I only needed to pick up two things, so it should be quick. Got there, picked up the two items and headed straight for the 12 and under express line. Ah, great, the first one had no line-up. I went down between the round silvery metal tubes that guided those people who would obviously get lost in line. Part way down, the cashier clerk, who was finishing up with a customer, raised her hand, saying, sorry, this line is closed. My hopes for a fast exit were dashed. I backed up to the beginning of the metal tubes to take the next one. Alas, it was closed. Went to the next one, closed as well. How was this grocery store supposed to make money with check-out lines closed. The last check-out line was open but I would have to line up behind a couple of people. Oh well, no choice. Can't go back to the regular check-outs and possibly wait even longer. Waited my turn. Everything slowed down a bit. Somehow the two customers in front of me made it through quickly. Great, I thought, I will get out of here before I require a shave. Then, pandemonium, the two customers were having difficulty bagging the few items purchased. One needed a bag, did not have one, and did not want to buy one. The other customer stopped packing up her goods and stood there not knowing what to do. First customer, through a miracle, found a bag, packed up, and left, allowing the cashier to ring through my two items. Success, at last, as I packed up my two things in a bag that I had. Down the road I drove and not speeding either. Home at last. Partner had the oven ready for the fries that were put in straight away. All was happy to have a dog or two with fries. Quick dinner moved from being a dream to a reality.

Special Report - In the Beginning

Special Report - In The Beginning

Hello to all, out there in blog land. OK, it's only me reading the blog.
That's OK. Every journey begins with one. Or, one can make a difference.
I patiently waited until after the world was to end on October 21st, 2011, at least according to Harold Camping, twice this year. By the way, Mr. Camping has decided to go quiet regarding this year's, 'end of the world' predictions.
Anyway, my blog has started, my first.
Please enjoy my thoughts as I see them.
Thank you.