Thursday, 19 April 2012

The Marketing of Marketing

The Marketing of Marketing

  For anyone trying establish themselves as a writer and if you hang in there long enough, you soon find the marketing of your works a daunting task. The marketing of your works has been subdivided into many parts. Each of these parts has in-depth ways of accomplishing the differing aspects of that particular part. I will not list them here as anyone can perform an online search and find the suggestions available. 

It has created an industry within itself where you can spend a lot for the latest sure-fire methods that will work for you as long as you follow the steps. I would be curious to see an analysis done on those that have purchased the marketing products just to see how many actually succeeded. I hear what you’re thinking; we already know the answer, probably few.

Most writers are looking for ideas that work for them. What may work for you might not work for me. We are after all, different in many ways. General methods seem to work generally. If that gives you the big recognition, the big break, then fantastic.

I find it interesting to read about an author who had done little marketing and somehow receives attention. Their sales begin to take off. Now how did they do it is the question I have on my mind.

Did they write on a topic that is of interest at the time?

Was it the style of their writing?

Was their cover eye catching?

Or do you chalk it up to being in the right place at the right time. No easy answer to that question.

  Here is my questions regarding being a successful writer.

1. How many words in total does one have to write in order to become a good writer?

2. How many books does one write before being noticed?

Keep smiling.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Breaking News - I’m Finished

Breaking News - I’m Finished

Believe it not I finished writing novels two and three of my Zytainium series at once. The reason for doing this was simply for the series consistency. I could have went in a few different directions with the story and wanted to ensure it was uniform. Now it took longer of course to write but I kept going. A couple of times I became bogged down in how the story should evolve. The idea I had just didn’t work for me, so I slept on it, and surprisingly I dreamt how to proceed seamlessly into the section of the story. Anyway, now that the drafts are done its onto the editing phase. This will take some time do complete. Regardless it is started.
I have spent a lot of time with the characters of the Zytainium series as they have developed. It is time to give them a break. I want to finish the editing and start my next new story with new characters. For those of you one day who find the Zytainium series please enjoy as I put my heart into it. I would love to hear feedback on what readers think of it.

Keep smiling.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Breaking News - The End is Near

Breaking News - The End is Near.

Okay I understand your caution especially on April 1st and everyone knows someone who says the end is at hand. Please be warned, don’t run out and spend all your money on billboards like the followers of Harold Camping. If you must advertise, try the local paper in their classified section and choose a small ad. Its relatively cheap and if things don’t work out the way you envision or what you were told to envision, then at least you will have some money left to pay the rent or mortgage. Plus you just might have a little left over for a new ad next time you believe things are near the end.
Now according the Mayan calendar things are suppose to end on December 21, 2012, this year on a Friday no less. You can’t even enjoy the weekend and forget about Christmas. Makes you wonder what shopping will be like later this year. No sense in purchasing gifts since opening them might be an issue. By they way, the Hopis people believe the same thing as well. However, both groups believe we are approaching the end of a World Age. They do not say it’s the end of the world but the transition of one world age into another. Their message suggests the issue is how we handle the coming transition. Will we be resistant or acceptant of the changes? From what I have seen of our cultures around the world even with all the advancements in understanding, is we still resist change. We do accept change when the pain of resisting it becomes too much to handle.
The thought I will leave you with is simply, is it the end, or is the end just the beginning.

Keep Smiling and happy April 1st.