Breaking News - The End is Near.
Okay I understand your caution
especially on April 1st and everyone knows someone who says the end is at hand.
Please be warned, don’t run out and spend all your money on billboards like the
followers of Harold Camping. If you must advertise, try the local paper in
their classified section and choose a small ad. Its relatively cheap and if
things don’t work out the way you envision or what you were told to envision,
then at least you will have some money left to pay the rent or mortgage. Plus
you just might have a little left over for a new ad next time you believe
things are near the end.
Now according the Mayan calendar
things are suppose to end on December 21, 2012, this year on a Friday no less.
You can’t even enjoy the weekend and forget about Christmas. Makes you wonder
what shopping will be like later this year. No sense in purchasing gifts since
opening them might be an issue. By they way, the Hopis people believe the same
thing as well. However, both groups believe we are approaching the end of a
World Age. They do not say it’s the end of the world but the transition of one
world age into another. Their message suggests the issue is how we handle the
coming transition. Will we be resistant or acceptant of the changes? From what
I have seen of our cultures around the world even with all the advancements in
understanding, is we still resist change. We do accept change when the pain of
resisting it becomes too much to handle.
The thought I will leave you with
is simply, is it the end, or is the end just the beginning.
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